Intensive courses
1h30 Intensive Course by Themes – AUGUST 2019
Friday, August 16 19h30-21h00
Enumeration of Fundamentals, steps- Academic and Choreographic repertories
Saturday 17 August 10h30-12h00
Work on “body language” different positions and placements of arms, hands and feet ATTITUDES
Sunday 18 August 10h00-11h30
Work on the “Oriental Language” through the arms and hands, their placement, their interpretations as much in expression as emotion. SCENIC EXPRESSION.
Tuesday 20th August 19h30-21h00
Study of the Ondulations , their Classifications, their Academic and Choreographic Terminaisons
Wednesday 21 August 19h30-21h00
Classical repertoire (different arabesques, combinations) FIGURES
Thursday 22 August 19h30-21h00
Study the “Rule Instrumental” ( theory – practice) on musical instruments, which are the dominant movements of each instrument) “THE TAKSIM”.
Friday 23 August 19h30-21h00
Study Orchestral rule (MELODY -RYTHME or when two instruments dominate the melody) This course will provide access to the improvisation of “TAKSIM BALADI” (accordion-Tabla).
Saturday, August 24, 10h30 to 12h00
Listening and interpretation of stage introductions, exercise to improvise the ON or the OFF (study introductory repertoire)
Sunday 25 August 10h00-11h30
Study of the structure of a song has text, how to improvise and build your improvisation.
Tuesday 27 August 19h30-21h00
Structure study Orchestrale ROUTINE, how to interpret it according to the instrumental and orchestral rule.
Wednesday 28 August 19h30-21h00
Course on the Popular-Egyptian BALLADI-SHAABY
Thursday 29 August 19h30-21h00
Rules of the Egyptian-TABLA (to understand the improvisation and the interpretation of the Tabla, study of the different techniques, to build your DRUM SOLO).
Friday 30 August 19h30-21h00
“TARAB” (ecstasy) study of the understanding of a text and its interpretation, listening to music. EGYPTIEN-CLASSIC.
Saturday 31st August 10h30-12h00
“MAWEL” directory enumeration through positions and professional attitude.
Saturday 31 August 12h30-14h00
Discover the dance with the “veil” positions, figures and combinations
1 themes = 25 euros
2 themes = 40 euros
5 themes = 100 euros
10 themes = 170 euros
15 themes = 225 euros