Study of the music since the understanding of the role of every instruments.
The oriental dancer does not dance “on” a given music, she does not enter any more the music, she “is made” music, it “is” music, it is an integral part of the orchestra, it is instrument, in the same way as the kannoun, The oud, the Nay, the Violin, the tabla…

Sandra’s Method

Dear students, trainee, futur teachers, professors.

The goal of my method and my teaching is to acquire not only the knowledge, but also know-how and know-how-to-be.

My method is teaching, educate, evaluate, helping in learning oriental dance and develop autonomy on scene.

Evaluation and international certification with a jury.

Evaluation: every investment must be evaluated.

Evaluate the expertise and skills of students / The informations gattered on the evaluation may be useful for the teacher as well the dancer, the evaluation of practical acquired skills is an inventory of the situation to better understand the technical issues, to define the objectives and to know every students, her strong and weak points, difficulties and elaborate a personal program.

Main Goal:

– Diagnostic
– Spot
– Organize

The internal progression of class, workshops, formations following Sandra’s method.
Evaluation of technical skills of dance (of oriental dance), essential motor skills, dynamic alignment, base stability.

Certification: offer the students the international certificate of Sandra’s Method.

A certificate evaluation, aim first and foremost to determine the achievement and certify that the student master the objective defined by Sandra and her method

There is a decision of acceptance of the certification to the next level, or a decision of reclassification based on the level of the student
“Certificate delivered on the scroll by the CID”.

Official proof, and document available in the entire world.